
Yes America, the critics may actually matter

Slate, as usual, has an incredible article on the business of movie critics, and whether they have an effect on box office receipts. I won't spoil the fun of reading this article with any details, but lets just say the critics aren't really wasting their breath.

Why we need movie critics
- Slate

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HBO has me excited for yet another show

Jason Schwartzman has been cast as the lead in a new HBO comedy, "Bored to Death," which sounds pretty original and full of potential. Sounds a bit like "Californication" meets the East coast. For the details, check out THR.

Jason Schwartzman cast in HBO pilot - THR

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Once I open the vault, it ceases to be a vault. Oy ga-vault.

This is one of the more interesting stories I came across today, and something that I'm particularly interested in. In the wake of the Universal fire that destroyed some archival video that was in a vault on the lot, studios are starting to look into better methods of film preservation and digital data storage. Its actually a pretty important issue. I'd like to think they could start by building vaults that are fireproof. I mean, it's not much a vault if it can't protect what's inside, is it?

Studios examine preservation policies - Hollywood Reporter

(Apologies for two Seinfeld references in a row.)

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Who are the ad wizards that came up with THAT one??

Seriously now...I would have loved to be in the meeting room when someone proposed this idea, and then another person said "I like it!" and then yet another person agreed, and then people spent time actually figuring out how to do this, and then they went ahead and did it. There were many spots along that journey where someone could have easily said, "This is a terrible idea." If this is the future of TV advertising, i'm going to have to go back to reading books. I guess we have TiVo to blame.

While watching Family Guy on TBS, I was rudely interrupted:

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